

The World's Best Unknown Books

Bilge Karasu

Bilge Karasu (1930-1995) graduated from the Philosophy Department of Istanbul University and teached for many years at Hacettepe University. One of Turkey’s most eminent authors, Karasu published four books of short stories, three novels and four collections of essays.

His first novel Gece (Night) is the winner of the 1991 Pegasus Literature Award; Uzun Sürmüş bir Günün Akşamı (A Long Day’s Evening) won the 1971 Sait Faik Award, and the English translation of Karasu’s Göçmüş Kediler Bahçesi (The Garden of Departed Cats) by Aron Aji was awarded the 2004 National Translation Award in the USA.

A perfectionist, a philosopher, and a master of literary arts, he left behind a body of work, which, although intricately woven and at times obscure, skilfully outlines a world unmatched in its crystal clear transparency. The fact that he is labelled “the most difficult writer in the Turkish language” arises from his uncompromising loyalty to pure literature, which he described as a structure to be accomplished by a constant interaction between the writer and the reader.

Bilge Karasu

Book titles