

The World's Best Unknown Books
04 04 2018

Schwob in 2018

5 books every season!

There has been some exciting changes for Schwob recently, which is why I’m writing this short article to explain our new setup.

From this year on, Schwob will be presenting a list of books each quarter, instead of bi-annually. The list of books will be a selection of recently translated and published (re)discovered classics in The Netherlands. Books that are promoted by Schwob are considered to have an excellent literary quality and are often relevant for the diversity of works available in the Dutch book market.

Now I would like to present the list of books that will be featured this year, with autumn still subject to change. Dutch names of the books will be followed by the original and English title (if available).

Winter 2018

Yusuf Atılgan – Hotel Moederland (Anayurt Oteli, Motherland Hotel)
Josepha Mendels – Rolien en Ralien (Rolien and Ralien)
Karel Capek - Meteoor (Povětroň, Meteor)
Alasdair Gray – Lanark
Yunichiro Tanizaki – De brug der dromen (n/a, a new anthology)

Spring 2018

Nella Larsen – Drijfzand & Schutkleur (Passing & Quicksand)
Sadegh Hedayat – De blinde uil (بوف کور‎, Boof-e koor, The Blind Owl)
Yasoushi Inoue – Het jachtgeweer (猟銃, Ryōjū, The Hunting Gun)
Junpei Gomikawa – Menselijke voorwaarden (人間の條件, Ningen no jōken, The Human Condition)
Gabriele d’Annunzio – De schoonheid van de nacht (New collection with works including Solus ad solam; Nocturne; Il libro segretto)
Emma Reyes – Het boek van Emma (Memoria por correspondencia, The Book of Emma Reyes)

Summer 2018

Thomas Wolfe - Daal neder, engel (Look Homeward, Angel)
Yasushi Inoue - Stierensumo (闘牛, Tōgyū, The Bullfight)
Marcel Pagnol - Een kasteel voor mijn moeder (Le Château de ma mère, My Mother’s Castle)
Nikos Kazantzakis - Kapitein Michalis (Ο Καπετάν Μιχάλης, Captain Michalis)
Clarice Lispector - De passie volgens G.H. (A paixão segundo G.H., The Passion According to G.H.)

Autumn 2018

Eileen Chang - De liefde van een half leven (半生緣 Ban Sheng Yuan, Half a Lifelong Romance)
Mihail Sebastian - Sinds tweeduizend jaar (De două mii de ani, For Two Thousand Years)
Leonora Carrington - The Complete Stories
Tove Jansson - Fair Play (Rent Spel)
Knud Sønderby - Twee mensen ontmoeten elkaar (To mennesker mødes, Two people meet)