Schwob @ London Book Fair
Making Words Travel
On Wednesday April 9th Daniel Hahn interviews Oliver Ready and Patrick McGuinness at the Literary Translation Centre on what it means to translate modern classics. Joined by Alexandra Koch, Editor-in-Chief of Schwob.
Daniel Hahn is a writer, editor and translator (from Portuguese, Spanish and French), with some forty books to his name. He is national programme director of the British Centre for Literary Translation.
Patrick McGuinness is Professor in French at Oxford University. His first novel, The Last Hundred Days (Seren) was long-listed for the Man Booker Prize in 2011. Seizing Places: Hélène Dorion (Arc) is his most recent translation. Other People’s Countries: A Journey into Memory was published by Cape in February 2014.
Oliver Ready is a Research Fellow in Russian Society and Culture at St. Antony’s College, Oxford. He is currently working on a new translation of Crime and Punishment by Dostoevksy. He is Consultant Editor for Russia and East-Central Europe at the Times Literary Supplement.
Alexandra Koch is Editor-in-Chief of Schwob, based at the Dutch Foundation for Literature.